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You can also see the details when you want, as showed in figure 3. Figure 3 - Schedule Details. Remember that you can link another Runbook to an existing Schedule click on Link to an Existing Schedule , as showed in figure 4. Figure 4 - Link to an Existing Schedule. These are the components that received the update:. See the following Knowledge Base article for more information about these fixes and installation instructions:. There are two download packages available. As you can see, there are no updates for App Controller, near to the death.
Different way for Configuration Manager that follow a custom lifecycle for the updates. One of the most important things on TechNet is the great technical documentation about all the Microsoft's applications. Is less easy find solutions to particular problem, because the scenarios are too huge and because is very hard replicate all the casistics.
Lose one of the RD Host Virtualization could not be a huge problem but sometimes some functionality may be less, for example creation of User Profile Disks for the Virtual Machine Pool, as showed in figure 1. Figure 1 - User Profile Disks Error.
In the event viewer it's possible find a specific problem about DCOM - figure 2. This issue is generated because the remote machine is not available.
Figure 2 - Event ID The first activity is try to remove the unavailable RD Virtualization Host, but sometimes this operation is impossible because there's reference error; the detailed message is: Could not remove the configuration. Object reference not set to an instance of an object - figure 3. So the idea is to change manually the database's configuration. In the table rds.
Server could be possible find all the servers relative with Remote Desktop Services, as showed in figure 4. Find the obsolete machine and remove it. The same operation must be do in the table rds. Figura 4 - Tabella SQL. Pay attention because you can damage the entire environment! This scenario open the door to many possibility, for example create on-demand servers or move internal machines into the Cloud.
A server in a Cloud make a problem about the connection between the external world and the internal world. Sounds weird but the most easy way is create a VPN tunnel. The first part of this procedure is create the tunnel from Windows Azure - figure 1.
Figure 1 - VPN Wizard. After name assign, and the affinity, is necessary set internal DNS Server, figure 2, that are foundamental to resolve the name of your infrastructure from Azure's VM. Now it's time to create remote IP. In my scenario I've internal network The gateway will be configurated automaticaly with a different class from VMs. Remember to create VPN tunnel into router, this connection will be to Azure, through IP address showed during the wizard.
It's also possible download a pre-configurated script for these devices:. When all the parameters are working, it will be possible see the VPN at work as showed in figure 4. Figure 4 - VPN Ready. As you can see, few steps to create a trusted connection between on-premise infrastructure with the Cloud.
Stesso discorso per i device Android. Upgrade in-place, from Windows Server to Windows Server R2, is not supported so it will be necessary reinstall all the storage server from zero. In iSCSI Target it's possible import files coming from different sources but the problem is that the new Windows Server R2 doesn't support the old version because they are in. Figure 1 - No. To resolve this problem it's possible use the Virtual Disk's convert feature, present in Hyper-V Console, or via PowerShell, as showed in figure 2, how allows the conversion from.
Figure 3 - Convert. Figure 4 - Import The New. Veeam MP 6. The new version introduce many features like the official support for Windows Server R2 and System Center R2, but also for vSphere 5. For this last one is very interesting the possibility to have the failover system which allows Veeam MP to talk directly with ESXi hypervisor if the vCenter fails. Explore the new features and try the power of Veeam MP 6.
This is great but sometimes there are a couple of issues with the instance, and with the various application. An example is System Center that sometimes have problem with this kind of upgrades. In the event viewer there are many error about SChannel like EventID or , as showed in figure 2. The detail shows a problem with Self Signed Fallback and this is strange because in my case I haven't this kind of certificates but it's clear that there's an issue with SQL. Figure 2 - EventID The first step is checking the SQL Instance properties where you must be sure that the Force Encryption checkbox is not enabled, after that open the Certificate tab and check if the combobox is clear, as showed in figure 3.
Figure 4 - Manage Private Keys. Remember that you could have this problem also with Operations Manager. E' chiaro che qualcosa non vada, ma in un certo senso fa molto strano visto che fino a qualche ora, prima di fare l'upgrade di SQL, andava tutto correttamente.
Figura 4 - Manage Private Keys. Attendete un paio di secondi e riprovate ad aprire la console di Configuration Manager, tutto dovrebbe tornare a funzionare. Come dicevo prima, questo problema potrebbe presentarsi anche con gli altri prodotti System Center, tipo Operations Manager, quindi ora sapete come comportarvi. The build 4. The default protocol for smbclient and smbcacls is still SMB1 but you can change this setting after the connection's test. Jeremy Allison, a senior Samba developer and Google's Linux evangelist said: "With the latest Snowdon revelations it's nice to note we now support SMB3 transport level encryption to Windows servers as well as Samba4 servers.
This means that Linux systems sharing files from Windows Server will be far less prone to having the file's data snatched in mid-stream.
If you want read all the new improvment of Samba 4. System Center Virtual Machine Manager is the perfect software to manage the virtual environment: host, network, switch, storage and much more. Their essential add-ons fill the gaps in Microsoft System Center to ensure that even the most complex enterprises can unleash its full potential.
One of this products is Cloud Advisor which extends the power of VMM, looks for problems that include:. Setup is very easy: at begining you must download the package from Savision's web site, after this step open VMM's console and click on the Settings tab; click on Import Console Add-In as showed in figure 1.
Figure 1 - Settings Pane. Figure 2 - Import Plug-In. Da qui potete scaricare le varie patch:. Windows 8. Se per gli utenti domestici, quindi Windows 8 e Windows 8 Pro, possono usufruire dell'aggiornamento in modo diretto, per quanto riguarda gli utenti enterprise la cosa cambia profondamente.
Ma chi ha installato la versione da MSDN per usi di test? PowerShell is the future for all the Microsoft's products: a scriptable code, powerfull, faster and extensible. PowerShell is perfect for the servers but also for the clients. In Windows 8. Command Prompt Don't warry! Many users don't know what is really PS and they prefer work with the old prompt instead the new Shell.
Figure 1 - Command Prompt. The question is: how change this kind of settings? It's easy! Figure 2 - Change Start Settings. Now click the right button of the mouse on the Start Button and watch if PowerShell is present, as showed in figure 3. Figure 3 - PowerShell. Remember that PowerShell is the future For example you can replace the old ping command with the new cmdlet: Test-Connection -ComputerName server All'interno di Windows 8.
Prompt dei Comandi No problem! Molti utenti non conoscono ancora PowerShell e quindi preferiscono il vecchio prompt Figura 1 - Command Prompt. Se io volessi usare PowerShell? Figura 2 - Cambio Impostazione. Una volta chiusa la schermata, cliccate nuovamente con il tasto destro sul pulsante Start e verificate che la voce PowerShell sia presente al posto del vecchio Prompt, come mostrato nella figura 3.
FiguraR 3 - PowerShell. Iscrivetevi subito per risparmiare 50 euro sul prezzo di listino. Windows Azure is a wonderful tool for each one who want have a lab environment on-demand, because the virtual machines can be turned off and turned on by our necessity.
Infrastructure as a Service IaaS is perfect also for the companies who wants increase the availability of their infrastructure, without implement particular cluster service or remote datacenter. Whatever is your necessity, IaaS is the good choise! First of all, open Windows Azure and sign-in with your Microsoft Account. The first step is create a Virtual Network, in Custom mode, where you must insert the values, as showed in figure 1 and 2. Figure 1 - Affinity Group Creation.
Figure 2 - IP Address Setting. After that, create a new Cloud Services: this will be the bridge between VMs; if the VMs don't use the same Cloud Services they can't communicate together. It's important insert the resource in the same Affinity Group where you have insert also the Virtual Network, as showed in figure 3.
Figure 3 - Cloud Services Creation. Now it's time to create the Virtual Machine; remember to select the right Virtual Network, as showed in figure 4. Figure 4 - VM Creation. For more security you can also change it into a static IP this is better for DC. The first machine is the Domain Controller so you need to create the domain. After the domain's creation it's possible change the Virtual Network to assign automaticaly the DNS Server address, as showed in figure 6.
The others VMs should be created in the same mode like the first; be careful to select the right Cloud Services. Figure 7 - Computer List. That's it! In around 20 minutes you have create a lab environment with two virtual machines that you can use wherever you want. Only three software, of seven, have received the update.
In the detail, these are the products:. Sul palco ci saranno grandi speaker che ogni giorno lavorano con le diverse tecnologie e che vi spiegheranno al meglio come migliorare la vostra infrastruttura. Cosa significa questo? Nel lontano , quando era uscita da poco la Service Pack 1, impazzava il Blaster bug che faceva riavviare i computer collegati ad Internet. Il tutto si risolveva con una patch o con l'abilitazione del firewall stesso. Inoltre non si sfrutta a pieno la potenza della macchina e degli applicativi stessi.
Che significa non avere supporto sui prodotti server? Avete mai provato ad avere un problema critico su un applicativo server, tipo Exchange, di punto in bianco ed accorgervi che rientrate in quella fascia di utenti che hanno bisogno di una patch particolare per ovviare al tutto? Il servizio PSS di Microsoft serve proprio a questo, oltre che a darvi risposte tecniche avanzate.
Mi tengo Windows Server fino a quando non schiatta Buon per voi Ricordate inoltre che ormai tutti gli applicativi server richiedono che il livello di Foresta sia almeno Come aggiornare senza il bagno di sangue? Ci sono tanti modi per aggiornare la propria infrastruttura, senza che ne venga fuori un disastro. E voi? E come posso sfruttarlo al meglio per le mie esigenze? In detail, these are the two issue with Update To resolve this issues it's necessary install a special patch available from Veeam's web site.
Keep in mind that you need Update 3a , that allows support for Windows Server R2. This is the solution procedure:. Configure Reporting Point on System Center R2 Configuration Manager is very simple, because there's the classic wizard to add a new role. But there are few little tasks that you need make to avoid this message:. An error has occurred during report process. Ensure the user name and password are correct. To resolve this, follow these tasks:.
These are the fixes:. Keep in mind that if you have already one the Integration Pack, there's an error when you try to import the new one, as showed in figure 1. Figure 1 - Message Error. Figure 2 - Old Integration Pack. To resolve, remove the old one and retry to import the new IP Figure 3 - New IP.
PowerShell is an amazing tool for every IT Admins and we now this rule. A script is not only a great help to reduce execution time of same tasks, like AD Users' creation, but also for automation. Maybe this could be strange but also into the Cloud it's important automate some activities: for example if we want enable role or features into a Virtual Machine; these activities requires few minutes that can grow when we have many VMs.
The solution to this problem is PowerShell and this article will show you how to inject a script into a VM, to automate task, on Microsoft Azure. First of all start the wizard of a new VM but hold to create it go ahead until the Virtual machine configuration form. Select the checkbox Custom Script , as showed in figure 1. Script must be as. Figure 1 - Custom Script Enabled.
After script's selecting, start VM's creation and wait; it's also possible check tasks status as showed in figure 2. Figure 2 - Tasks Status.
Figure 3 - IIS Installed. This should reset all the issues and restart the entire activities. Azure Backup Vault is a great tool to extend our backup into the Cloud. All the most recent OS are supported and is very easy to install and configure.
But what happen if one this server fails? In this article I will show how to restore files of a server to another one. Obviously, in order to restore data to another machine, is necessary configure the restore server into Backup Vault, importing certificate on Azure, but is not required create a backup task. So for this demo I will use these machines:.
During first deployment, when you start to configure Backup Vault, you have created, and imported on Azure, a certificate for each server to enable communication with Azure. This certificate must be imported to restore machine, from MMC into LocalComputer tree; at the end of task the result should be as figure 1.
Figura 1 - Local Certificate. Once finished it will possible open Microsoft Azure Backup and starting Recover Data task, as showed in figure 2. Figure 2 - Recover Data. Since we must restore data of another machine, is necessary select option Another Server , as showed in figure 3. Supportiamo anche un centro di recupero tartarughe marine per curarne e salvarne il maggior numero possibile.
Just write to the email wolves romavolleyclub. Nata in Italia nel Operation Smile Italia Onlus, grazie ad una rete di medici, infermieri e operatori sanitari, cura ed assiste, nel nostro Paese e in tutto il mondo, bambini e adulti nati con malformazioni cranio-maxillo-facciali come la labiopalatoschisi.
Offerta valida fino ad esaurimento posti. Contatti: booking jambogroup. Lo sapevi che puoi acquistare il tuo pettorale anche presso uno dei punti vendita ufficiali?
Below are the rates we have designed:. Di seguito le tariffe che abbiamo pensato:. Do you want to contribute to the success of Acea Run Rome The Marathon and be our official registration promoter? Contact us on info runromethemathon. To find out more, write to promozione runromethemarathon. Area Run Rome The Marathon is happy to host any club, association or sports group that requests to participate. For all other info please refer to the official marathon regulations.
If you have any doubts or problems registering athletes please contact segreteria sdam. We look forward to seeing you on 27 March to make your mark in history with your friends!
Area Run Rome The Marathon rewards athletes who have always reached the finish line in all previous editions. For you, an ever-present senior, a free bib.
Click here. Vuoi contribuire al successo della Acea Run Rome The Marathon ed essere nostro promoter ufficiale iscrizioni? Contattaci su info runromethemathon. Acea Run Rome The Marathon vuole intrecciare relazioni con i migliori partner italiani ed esteri. One of the most important project for Rotary International is the one fighting poliomyelitis supporting the project born in PolioPlus. If more than 30 years ago in the world there were thousand new cases per day, last year only 4 thousand were recorded and now poliomyelitis is confined in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
For many years now the Rotary District in the areas of Rome, Lazio and Sardinia is committed to raise funds for vaccination worldwide thanks to the participation in sport events of different nature.
The Fondazione SportCity joins for the first time the Charity Program of the Run Rome the Marahon, with the goal of promoting and supporting the sportivization of the Italian cities. Parks and urban squares become the sport locations ready to host sport activities accessible to all the community. The Fondazione SportCity brings free and accessible sport in the Italian cities during the SportCity Day and will mentor sportcity trainers in each of the hosting cities, they will be able to teach how to do physical activities in urban areas in the safest way.
Improve the urban areas where you train dail. Run on qui to register and for more info please contact presidenza fondazionesportcity. From the outset, AIRC has been committed to fostering cancer research in Italy, and has gradually expanded to include 17 Regional Committees and count over 4. For further details please visit airc. On March 27th run the Rome Marathon, a route that is unmatched anywhere in the world, alongside the AIRC Foundation to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.
Registration info: For further details please e-mail us at: run4. Conta su 4 milioni e mezzo di sostenitori, 20mila volontari e 17 comitati regionali che garantiscono a oltre 5. In oltre 50 anni di impegno AIRC ha distribuito oltre 1 miliardo e seicento milioni di euro per il finanziamento della ricerca oncologica dati attualizzati e aggiornati al 15 gennaio Informazioni e approfondimenti su airc.
Contatto mail per info sulla tua partecipazione scrivici a: run4. Migliora le aree urbane dove giornalmente ti alleni. Corri su qui per iscriverti e per informazioni scrivi a presidenza fondazionesportcity. Per maggiori informazioni contattare promozione runromethemarathon. You too can be one of the lucky runners who will have the chance to register simultaneously for two of the most important and eagerly awaited marathons in the world.
All the details of the promo here. Tutti i dettagli della promo qui. Ogni anno in Italia, perdono la vita a causa di queste patologie circa 4 giovani ogni Maggiori informazioni: www.
Gestisce progetti di riforestazione grazie ai quali contribuisce alla sicurezza alimentare e al sostegno economico di famiglie contadine dei diversi paesi dove opera.
Un doppio impatto: per il pianeta, per le persone. Sono bambini e ragazzi che, finita la scuola, non hanno alternative. Correre con Sport Senza Frontiere Onlus significa aiutare bambini e bambine che vivono un disagio socio-economico e sono a rischio esclusione sociale.
Vuoi far correre la tua azienda? Scrivi una mail a segreteria fondazionemaratonaalzheimer. Accommodation offer for bookings by 30 January From 26 to 27 March for 1 night — admission on Saturday From 25 to 27 March for 2 nights — admission on Friday.
Provenienza Italy — Roma RM. Profilo Facebook Profilo Instagram. COVID carefully read the official dispositions adopted for the race number pick-up according on partecipating in the race. Un tempo qui risuonavano le gride degli spettatori di fronte alle imprese degli atleti.
Era lungo metri, largo e poteva ospitare Siamo aperti tutti i giorni della settimana dalle 10 alle 19 orario continuato ultimo ingresso Amant odv is an animal rights and environmentalist association that marries various battles including:. And again, support for people in need who own animals, adoptions, food collections, help for kennels and catteries.
Offre ai bambini e ai ragazzi strumenti espressivi e comunicativi per sviluppare le loro idee, potenziare le loro risorse e attraverso il gioco, li educa alla partecipazione civica e culturale. The area was taken over by the association that deals with mowing it and keeping it enriching it with plantings. The goal is in fact to spread the culture of environmental protection, respect for animals, biodiversity, and good rules of conduct and common sense.
Tra il 17 e il 26 settembre , i partecipanti alla maratona della staffetta e della stracittadina Fun Race e un loro accompagnatore potranno entrare al Parco con il biglietto R. The organisation of Acea Run Rome The Marathon informs that, in compliance with the regulations currently in force in Italy for the containment of the spread of the Covid virus, the following measures will be taken:.
Participants and accompanying persons are invited to follow the updates to these provisions which will be published on www. Per iscrizioni e regolamento clicca qui. Offre servizi qualificati, organizzati e completamente gratuiti. Si interessa per il superamento di ogni forma di esclusione e di emarginazione sociale. In Italia promuove i diritti di oltre For any further requests, additions, children and anything else send an email to: booking jambogroup. To find out more, write to us at promozione runromethemarathon.
Before the crippling flood of the riverbed was significantly different from the current one, its waters ran along the northern part of the city and the coastline was closer than it is today to the buildings. According to the legend, Ancus Marcius king of Rome, founded Ostia in BC as a crucial spot to make use of the salt pans at the mouth of the Tiber.
In the 2nd century AD Ostia, at the height of its prosperity some estimates suggest 50, inhabitants , changed to a commercial harbour connected to the Imperial Harbours of Claudius and Trajan. Con il predominio di Roma sul Mediterraneo II secolo a.
Nel II secolo d. GTI e Kare srl Agenzia di viaggi Kamakare vi accolgono a braccia aperte in un percorso di scoperta pieno di sorprese. In occasione della Run Rome the Marathon abbiamo creato dei tour speciali a costi convenzionati, insieme alle nostre guide professioniste aderenti a GTI — Guide Turistiche Italiane. Vogliamo offrirvi la migliore esperienza di viaggio nella storia gloriosa di Roma e del Lazio animati da passione, con la giusta competenza e tanta voglia di condividere il nostro tempo con voi per farvi innamorare di Roma e dei suoi dintorni.
Consultate le nostre proposte e scegliete uno dei nostri tour utilizzando il codice RRTM oppure il pettorale. Run in Rome … and discover its beauties: Rome as you have never seen it before. Itineraries both in the city and out of town with a professional guide. GTI and Kare srl Kamakare travel agency welcome you with open arms on a journey of discovery full of surprises. Rome is beautiful, with its monuments, history, lights and breathtaking views.
We want to offer you the best experience travelling through the glorious history of Rome and Lazio animated by passion, mixed with the right competence and a great desire to share our time with you to make you fall in love with Rome and its surroundings.
We welcome everyone: adults and youths, sporty people and couch potatoes, Italians and foreigners, able and disabled. Consult our proposals and choose one of our tours using the RRTM code or the bib. Corriamo insieme per ospitare gratuitamente al Camp bambini e ragazzi con patologie gravi e croniche.
Dynamo believes that happiness is an undeniable right. This is why we offer free Recreational Therapy programs for children and teenagers with serious or chronic illnesses as well as to their families and healthy siblings in order to give them serenity and help them facing the disease with another attitude.
We need you to keep giving ill children the opportunity to have an unforgettable experience at Dynamo Camp which is a happy place of long term benefits such as finding self-confidence and hope. La Pelle Azzurra speaks to 32 million Italian sportsmen, to all disciplines because sport is the same. The registration fee is entirely intended for a donation to the Association La Pelle Azzurra to support Olympic and Paralympic athletes who will bring the blue shirt towards the sound of the Italian National anthem in the world.
For information on registration send an email to community lapelleazzurra. Alzheimer Uniti Roma was founded in with the aim of affirming and spreading the culture of rights, to make life of sick people and their families better, combining the themes of care and assistance with those of prevention and scientific research.
Together with the Alzheimer Marathon Foundation, we are also present this year at FunRace: run with us to give a voice to over a million people living with dementia.
Rientrano in questo progetto anche le donazioni: agli ospedali, di apparecchiature mediche come elettrocardiografi e holter; defibrillatori agli istituti scolastici. Per ogni ulteriore informazione, scrivere a: info lastelladilorenzo. Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy is in fact a genetic, degenerative disease, currently with no cure, which is very often asymptomatic and is one of the main causes of sudden death in young people; about 4 young people per , are affected in Italy every year.
Also included in this project are donations: medical equipment such as electrocardiographs and holters to hospitals and AED to schools. As part of the scientific research for a drug that can cure this pathology, blocking its course, La Stella di Lorenzo Onlus is funding the Department of Biology of the University of Padua.
For any further information, please send an email to: info lastelladilorenzo. Francesco Fagnani, giovane ed entusiasta nutrizionista sportivo, un punto di riferimento per importanti atleti professionisti e per un gran numero di amatori.
Biologo nutrizionista, farmacista, esperto in nutrizione sportiva avanzata. Aiuta atleti, manager, imprenditori e professionisti ad ottimizzare le prestazioni psicofisiche attraverso un metodo scientifico, frutto di oltre 15 anni di esperienza. Fondazione Maratona Alzheimer was born from the sporting-solidarity event Maratona Alzheimer, now in its 10th edition, with the aim of raising awareness and affirming the rights of people with dementia and their families, to improve their lives combining the themes of care and assistance with those of prevention and scientific research.
Together with Associazione Alzheimer Uniti Roma we are present at Run4Rome: run with us to give a voice to over million people living with dementia. Write an email to segreteria fondazionemaratonaalzheimer.
Who it is aimed at: all age groups, offering running tours or walking tours. The sole purpose is to get people to see the city in a completely new way! Clicca qui per acquistare i pettorali per il tuo team per vivere insieme la staffetta Run4Rome ed aiutarci con un gesto concreto. Doppia Difesa is a non-profit foundation established in The will of the founders, Michelle Hunziker and Giulia Bongiorno, is to help those who have suffered discrimination, abuse and violence but do not have the courage, or the ability, to initiate a complaint.
Click here to buy bibs for your team to experience the Run4Rome relay together and help us with a tangible contribution. Founded in Italy in , the Operation Smile Italia Non-Profit Foundation is part of an international organisation made up of volunteer doctors, nurses and other health workers from over 80 countries around the world who treat people born with facial malformations, such as cleft lip and palate, free of charge; the Foundation is also active in Italy with the medical projects Smile House, Un Mare di Sorrisi [A Sea of Smiles] and World Care Program.
Operation Smile, established in in the United States, is today considered one of the largest volunteer-based non-profit organisations for the treatment of these illnesses. Thanks to the help of the many generous people who support us each year, we make surgical treatment accessible in countries where it is most needed, train local health workers, and donate medical and hospital equipment to treat anyone born with a facial deformity.
Train and run for the smiles of children who are waiting to be cured, support our medical programmes in Italy and around the world. For information, write to prenotazioni operationsmile.
Allenati e corri per i sorrisi dei bambini che aspettano di essere curati, sostieni i nostri programmi medici in Italia e nel mondo. Per informazioni scrivi a prenotazioni operationsmile.
Education, social inclusion and psycho-physical wellbeing through sport, for disadvantaged children and adolescents, is the heart of the non-profit organisation that designs and organises guided sports courses, in collaboration with a network of sports and medical associations.
Sport Without Borders believes in sport as a tool for integration and social change. Guaranteeing access to sport to those who need it, taking it where it is not present and spreading its principles and values; this is the mission of the association that operates mainly in Italy in Milan, Rome, Turin, Naples, Trento, Bergamo, Rieti Terminillo. Every year, in Italy, cancer affects about 1, children up to 14 years of age.
Thanks to constant progress in research, three out of four children are now completely cured. For info and registration, write now to run4. For more information: www. Ogni anno, in Italia, il cancro colpisce circa 1. Grazie ai costanti progressi della ricerca, oggi tre bambini su quattro guariscono completamente.
Entra nella nostra squadra per correre insieme verso un grande traguardo! Sport Senza Frontiere crede nello sport come strumento di integrazione e di cambiamento sociale. Bambini, non curabili nei loro Paesi di origine — o totalmente sprovvisti di copertura sanitaria — che necessitano di cure immediate.
Per ulteriori informazioni: www. Abbiamo pensato a diversi vantaggi e promozioni, come ad esempio un pettorale in omaggio ogni 10 partecipanti. Scrivici a info runromethemarathon. Ti aspettiamo il 19 settembre per lasciare un segno nella storia insieme ai tuoi amici! Run Rome The Marathon is pleased to host any club, association or sports group that asks to participate.
We have prepared different benefits and promotions, such as a free bib for every 10 participants. Write to info runromethemarathon. Click here to complete your registration. We look forward to seeing you on 19 September to leave a mark on history together with your friends! Run Rome The Marathon rewards athletes who have always reached the finishing line in all previous editions.
The cancellation of the edition makes your hunger for the finish even stronger. At registration, in addition to the bib, you will receive the race pack with the race t-shirt and two medals: one for the edition, dedicated to the gods, and one for this year. All athletes registered for the edition will receive a communication via email with instructions to confirm their registration in or postpone it until the edition. You have a new goal ahead of you and to reach it you will have to travel the most exciting At registration, together with the bib, you will receive the race pack with the race t-shirt and the medal.
The limited edition Finisher T-Shirt , dedicated to the athletes who finish the race, can only be purchased online. If you are a true runner, just one finish may not be enough for you. Take advantage of the dedicated Combo and offer:.
For the purposes of the registration fee, the date of payment will be valid. Users who purchase the combo will receive information and codes for registering for the edition as soon as the edition is over. Run Rome The Marathon is attentive to participants of all ages. We want to reward the longest-lived, stoic and courageous marathon runners. Acea Run Rome The Marathon premia gli atleti che hanno sempre raggiunto il traguardo di tutte le edizioni precedenti.
Sei pronto? Se sei un vero runner, un solo traguardo potrebbe non bastarti. To find out more, write to info runromethemarathon. We look forward to seeing you on 21 March to leave a mark on history together with your friends! Below are the rates we have prepared for you:.
Ti aspettiamo il 21 marzo per lasciare un segno nella storia insieme ai tuoi amici! We will host 30 families with children and young people with serious or chronic diseases. In Dynamo, we believe that Happiness is an undeniable right. Through the activities of Recreational Therapy in groups, Dynamo Camp helps these youngsters regain confidence and focus on individual potential and talents, generating self-esteem and resilience — in the broader sense of social inclusion as well.
We need you to give 30 families with children and young people suffering from serious or chronic diseases the chance to have an unforgettable experience at Dynamo Camp, to rediscover that there is always a good reason to smile in life. Allenati e corri per i sorrisi dei bambini che aspettano di essere curati, sostieni la prossima missione medica in Honduras di Operation Smile.
Siamo presenti nel Paese dal e in oltre 21 anni grazie ai nostri volontari medici ed operatori sanitari, ed ai nostri sostenitori, abbiamo curato oltre 3, piccoli pazienti che oggi sorridono ed hanno una vita diversa.
Nonostante i risultati raggiunti ancora molto rimane da fare: sono ancora tanti i bambini che aspettano di essere curati. Founded in Italy in , the Operation Smile Italia Onlus Foundation is part of an International Organisation, made up of medical volunteers, nurses and other health workers from over 80 countries around the world who treat people born with facial malformations, such as cleft lip and cleft palate; the Foundation is also active in Italy with the medical projects Smile House, Un Mare di Sorrisi and World Care Program.
Operation Smile, established in in the United States, is today considered one of the largest voluntary Non-Profit Organisations for the treatment of these diseases. With the help of the many generous people who support us every year, we make surgical treatment accessible in the countries where it is most needed, train local health personnel and provide medical and hospital equipment to treat anyone born with a facial defect. We have been present in the country since and in over 21 years, thanks to our medical volunteers and health workers, as well as our supporters, we have treated over 3, young patients who today are able to smile and have a different life.
Despite the results achieved, much remains to be done: many children are still waiting to be treated. Our goal today is to ensure that every child born with a cleft lip or cleft palate in Honduras receives safe, free and timely healthcare: join us! Subject: Drug trafficking through the Port of Antwerp. Subject: Environmental catastrophe in Livera, Kyrenia Cyprus. Subject: Alert mechanism for professional qualifications. Subject: Expropriation of Iberdrola subsidiaries by the Bolivian government.
Subject: Uncontrolled entry of illegal Turkish settlers into the free areas of Cyprus. Subject: Economic crisis and the countries of southern Europe. Stassen to the Commission. Subject: Turkey will keep importing gas from Iran — regardless of EU sanctions.
Subject: Benefits of the European patent for small and medium businesses. Subject: Toxic containers in European ports — health risk for workers and consumers.
Subject: VAT on equipment purchased by life-saving voluntary organisations. Subject: Comprehensive strategy for the defence sector.
Subject: GHG emission reduction targets for Subject: The Turks destroying Greek Cypriot heritage. Subject: The network character of rail transport. Subject: Market distortions in public passenger rail transport services. Subject: The use of biological resources of developing countries by the pharmaceutical industry. Subject: Bringing Greek debt to sustainable levels. Subject: International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
Subject: Inadequate consumer protection for online purchases. Subject: Strengthening the rights of people with disabilities. Subject: Attempts to reach a consensus on banking supervision. Subject: Transparency of the shadow banking system.
Subject: Killer whale kept at zoo as public attraction. Subject: Problems with the reactor vessels at the Doel nuclear power plant. Subject: Discrimination based on sexual orientation by Easyjet.
Subject: Energy poverty and problems of atmospheric pollution. Subject: Use of polyphosphates in wet salted fish II. Subject: Task Force for Greece: cohesion policy funds, access to finance, efforts to combat money laundering and corruption, business environment, Court of Audit. Subject: Top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted.
Subject: Fines for carrying a portrait of Bialiatski. Subject: The Commission should protect citizens from health risks caused by mobile phones. Subject: Cutting of red tape by the Commission for European businesses. Subject: Need for the Commission to guarantee the freedom of the European film industry. Subject: Scope for a Commission investigation into the gold-plated pensions of the managers of bailed-out banks. Subject: Permitted levels of aflatoxin B1 in corn.
Subject: Creation of a single market for intellectual property rights. Subject: Funding grants for replacement of machinery. Subject: Construction of a motorway bypass in Bologna without a call for tenders. Subject: Piedmont takes a step backwards following the rejection of its application to host a Europe Direct centre. Subject: Misleading packaging — a source of frustration for consumers. Subject: Italian local authorities and the financial derivatives crisis.
Subject: Proposed revision of the Tobacco Products Directive. Subject: Establishment of a Caucasus centre of excellence — European funding. Subject: Access by the disabled community to information in connection with cross compliance. Subject: Wonder drug for rare disease sabotaged?
Subject: Exploitation of workers in the mushroom industry in the Netherlands. Subject: Natural disaster response: training workers in the outermost regions.
Subject: Possible collaboration on one-day-a-week fall in fuel prices. Subject: Possible price manipulation in the fuel sector. Subject: Possible competition agreement on fuel sales. Subject: Transport services to islands and compensation in the event of disruptions to those services.
Subject: Recommendation regarding European Capitals of Culture. Subject: The three stages for new countries to join the euro. Subject: Insufficient localisation of calls on the emergency line. Subject: Third liberalisation package for EU energy legislation. Subject: Protecting the EU market against unusually cheap Chinese imports, in particular of photovoltaic panels. Subject: Presidential election in the United States. Subject: Inhumane conditions for stray and abandoned dogs in Romania.
Subject: Increased crime due to tobacco regulation. Subject: Greater transparency in the area of medicines. Subject: Increasing prices of energy and resources. Subject: Labelling of products produced in Israel's illegal settlements. Subject: Public health risk posed by the former army camp of Karatasio Thessaloniki and problems arising from a refusal to transfer it back to the local municipality.
Subject: Consequences of the possible privatisation of the former army camps in Thessaloniki. Subject: Mercury exposure prevention measures — economic benefits and consumer protection. Subject: Review of the directive on package travel, package holidays and package tours. Subject: Confidentiality agreements concluded prior to international negotiations.
Subject: Information about the use of Community funding by the Italian regions, particularly the Lazio Region, for the period Subject: Information on the use of the Structural Funds by the Lazio Region for the period Subject: Sustainable forest management and social communication with young people: resources and myths.
Subject: New environmentally friendly paints from packaging: a potential environmentally sustainable use in the automotive industry. Subject: Control of volume of adverts during television programmes. Subject: European emergency number — caller location. Subject: Condemnation of the assassination of Kurdish activists in Paris. Subject: Plans by the Spanish Government to allow 20 Spanish professional football clubs a waiver on at least part of their tax and social security debts, totalling EUR 1.
Subject: Measures to support vulnerable population groups. Subject: Possible illegality of aid granted to shipyards. Subject: Nabucco and the Trans-Caspian pipeline.
Subject: Foreign reserves of euro area Member States. Subject: Gazprom's monopoly in the European energy market. Subject: The costs to Poland of using the zloty. Subject: Report on the demographic situation in the EU. Subject: Withdrawal of Japan from the Kyoto Protocol. Subject: Abolition of BSE tests — bone-meal fertilisers. Subject: Mistakes by the Troika when dealing with Greek debt.
Subject: Call for tenders for electronic toll collection system in Slovakia. Subject: EU legislation on software is not being transposed into Spanish law. Subject: Unsorted Italian waste imported into Spain. Subject: Suspending unconstitutional provisions in Greece. Subject: Adoption of net neutrality principles across the European Union. Subject: Schengen Information System: border checks on minors.
Subject: Legalisation of female circumcision follow-up question. Merkies to the Commission. Subject: Implementation of the Single European Sky. Subject: The future of the Safer Internet Programme. Subject: Destination of food supplies for the most deprived. Subject: Harmonisation of excise duties in the wine industry. Subject: Problems and troubles caused by labour influx. Subject: The EU's own resources in the new financial framework.
Subject: Different prices for natural gas charged by Gazprom to buyers in different Member States. Subject: Tax evasion in Greece and the need to modernise and strengthen the Greek customs authorities.
Subject: Evidence base for child protection measures adopted by the Commission. Subject: Impact of European harmonisation on individual wastewater treatment systems.
Subject: Presence of dioxins in various brands of milk in the Canary Islands. Subject: Smog, illegal logging and violation of limit values for airborne particulates. Subject: Murder of three Kurdish activists in Paris. Subject: Deforestation in the context of climate change.
Subject: Legislative initiative on the European Tourism Label. Subject: Childcare structures and employment in crisis-hit Europe. Subject: Internal competitions for Commission officials. Subject: Clarification of the reform of the Staff Regulations. Subject: Lack of transparency in relations between the Troika and consultancies and law firms in Greece.
Subject: Regional exhaustion as a trade defence instrument. Subject: Hazardous substances in children's toys. The number of our disadvantaged fellow-citizens in Cyprus is soaring because of the financial crisis and its extremely adverse effects.
What support mechanisms are available to the EU to feed needy and vulnerable groups? How can a country be included in the food aid programme for the most deprived citizens in each Member State? What other aid programmes does the EU have to provide direct and practical support to victims of the economic crisis?
Participation in the MDP is voluntary. Member States wishing to apply the measure have to inform the Commission by the deadline set in the relevant implementing rules. Member States dispose of significant freedom in planning and implementing the food distribution programme at national level, including also the definition of the. The MDP will end with the completion of the annual plan. For the period , the Commission has proposed the establishment of a Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived, which would in particular support national schemes to provide food or basic goods to homeless people and accompanying measures for their social inclusion.
The issue is particularly serious because the unequal treatment of Cypriot and EU and other illegal workers is creating a new working environment that is leading to the emergence of different classes of worker. Thus key benefits of the collective agreement of the financial industry are being axed and unemployment among Cypriots is rising, since most large companies are illegally dismissing a significant number of Cypriot workers and replacing them with teams of subcontractors that employ non-Cypriot employees who are not declared.
The Commission is aware of the worsening labour-market situation in Cyprus, where unemployment is increasing, especially among young people. It is monitoring the situation closely, and has recommended that the Cyprus Government take action to improve the skills of the workforce, address unemployment among young people and stimulate business innovation.
It is not, however, in a position to confirm the specific points raised in the question. As regards workers from other Member States, the principle of freedom of movement must be respected. It gives every EU citizen the right to move freely to another Member State to work and reside there for that purpose, and protects them against discrimination in employment, remuneration and other working conditions in comparison to nationals of that Member State.
As far as workers from non-member countries are concerned, the terms and conditions of the employment relationship must respect national and EC law. The Commission Work Programme for provides for the establishment of a European platform to fight against undeclared work. It will seek to improve cooperation and exchange information and best practice at EU level, in particular between enforcement bodies, with a view to a more effective and coherent approach to the fight against undeclared work, both within the Member States and at cross-border level.
What measures is the EU proposing to stamp out tax evasion by individuals with a high net wealth and professionals with high incomes in EU Member States such as Greece? The action plan does not only refer to measures aimed at fighting tax fraud and evasion, but also to measures aimed at enhancing tax compliance. In essence, it sets out a number of practical actions which can deliver concrete results to all Member States and lend support in particular to those Member States which need to strengthen tax collection.
In order to promote the effective implementation of the action plan the Commission will create a Platform for Tax Good Governance composed of experts from Member States and stakeholders to provide assistance in preparing its report on the application of the two recommendations and in its ongoing work on aggressive tax planning and good governance in tax matters.
With a view to maintaining social cohesion, have any proposals been made about — or has any consideration been given to — launching a broader and more flexible programme that will directly meet the practical needs of European citizens suffering from the adverse consequences of the economic crisis?
What will the objectives of such a programme be and how will Member States be informed so that they can seek assistance? The European Commission has proposed to set up two programmes under Social Cohesion in the period which will directly meet the practical needs of European Citizens:. One already existing program is the European Social Fund ESF targeting those people with particular difficulties in finding work, such as women, young people not in employment or training, older workers, migrants and people with disabilities.
For the period the European Commission has proposed some changes: The ESF will much more focus on social inclusion and contribute to combating poverty. A greater emphasis will be on combating youth unemployment and supporting the most disadvantaged groups.
The Social Investment Package, to be adopted on 20 February, is going to provide MS with detailed indications how social investments through the ESF in the social economy and social innovation can better contribute to social inclusion and combating poverty. The Fund would support with providing food and clothing and other essential goods to the most deprived people.
Both Funds are now in the European Parliament and the Council for discussion and adoption. Once adopted, both Funds will be implemented by the MS. In addition, in the field of Social Cohesion the European Regional Development Fund ERDF is allocated especially to social infrastructure comprising education, health, childcare, housing and other social infrastructure to integrated sustainable urban development. The new regulatory proposal for foresees some new elements, such as a shift to community based care and targeted investments on desegregation of educational facilities.
The Greek Cypriot administration can get a loan from the North, just as they get electricity and water when they need it. Is the Commission aware that the Republic of Cyprus for decades provided free electricity to the Turkish Cypriots, even after the Turkish invasion of what is now the illegal pseudo-state, but when the Republic of Cyprus needed power for a short period of time — because of the disaster in Mari — it had to pay the Turkish Cypriots dearly for it?
The Commission is fully aware of the difficulties in supplying electricity to Cyprus. That explains why in its Green Line report, the Commission welcomed the agreement between the Presidents of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and the Turkish-Cypriot Chamber of Commerce for the supply of electricity from the non-government controlled to the government-controlled areas, following the regrettable explosion at the naval base of Mari in July This agreement has to be considered as a very good confidence building measure between the two communities living in Cyprus, and as an example for further confidence building measures to be adopted in the future, in order to promote the process of reunification and reconciliation between the Greek Cypriot and the Turkish Cypriot communities.
Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn has also stated that this will be the general principle applied to research funded through the Horizon framework programme. In their implementation of the recommendations made by Dame Janet Finch on expanding access to scientific research findings, the Research Councils of the UK RCUK have agreed that all peer-reviewed papers based on RCUK-funded research must be published on an open access basis from April Can the Commission give Parliament an update on the implementation of open access by the other EU Member States and on how it plans to ensure that these policies converge speedily towards the model adopted by the United Kingdom?
Answer given by Ms Geoghegan-Quinn on behalf of the Commission. The European Commission is indeed committed to making open access to scientific publications a general principle of Horizon and has also recommended that Member States take a similar approach to the results of research funded under their national programmes. The Commission has therefore asked them to designate a National Point of Reference NPR to act as interlocutor on open access related issues in order to engage in a process of exchange of best practices and lessons learned.
The process of nominating these NPRs is ongoing. The Commission recognises that there are several ways of arriving at open access, since different Member States and stakeholders have different situations and needs.
The Commission believes that both routes are valid and complementary approaches for open access to be effective, fair, affordable, competitive and sustainable for researchers and innovative businesses. The European Food Safety Authority is reviewing data requirements for testing the safety of plant protection products with regard to bees. The protection of bees from pesticides is of utmost importance, alongside ensuring that farmers have access to an adequate toolbox to protect their crops from pests, weeds and diseases, enabling them to meet the challenges of feeding an increasing population and to protect natural resources including land.
How will the Commission ensure that the guidance document for testing the safety of plant protection products with regard to bees is comprehensive, pragmatic and proportionate, and that the feedback sent by relevant stakeholders, such as beekeepers, farmers, industry and Member States, is taken into account so that the document is both practical and workable?
How will the Commission ensure that the limited available resources for bee testing and research are focused on the factors which are considered by an increasing academic consensus to be largely responsible for causing poor bee health, including the Varroa parasite, diseases, lack of forage and beekeeping practices?
How will the Commission ensure that any further testing requirements, if proposed by EFSA, do not have the effect of undermining innovation in respect of plant protection products in Europe because of technical delays resulting from limited capacity to conduct additional bee testing?
Given the high level of public concern over honey bees and the importance of plant protection products for agricultural productivity, does the Commission intend to carry out an impact assessment and make it available to Parliament before the adoption of the guidance document? The European Food Safety Authority EFSA , as requested by the Commission, is reviewing the risk assessment scheme for plant protection products as regards their impact on bees. New data requirements received a favourable opinion of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health in July and are currently under the scrutiny of the European Parliament and the Council.
The new requirements, once adopted, will become applicable in January The Commission requested EFSA to develop a guidance document on the risk assessment of plant protection products to bees, and is sure that EFSA will carefully examine all comments received before finalising the guidance document. The Commission is funding several research projects to define the role of varroa, viruses and pesticides on bee decline.
The Bee Doc project. As described above, data requirements for pesticide dossiers are adopted by the Commission and not by EFSA. The guidance document under preparation by EFSA is not legally binding. It aims to provide guidance for the correct implementation of the relevant Community legislation. No Commission impact assessment is being prepared for the guidance. According to the recent findings of two studies published in the Journal of Paediatrics , 1 in 10 children, and 1 in 3 teenagers, who have food allergies or are overweight are vulnerable to being bullied by their peers.
What action does the EU recommend to Member States, especially at the dawn of the European Year of Citizens , in order to raise awareness of bullying, which is often linked to depression and even suicide and affects the daily lives of young European citizens and their families?
The Commission is well aware of the stigmatisation of obese young people. Actions to raise awareness about bullying, however, fall under the responsibility of Member States. The Commission supports Member States in their efforts to educate young people for constructive citizenship, democracy, tolerance and respect for diversity and human rights, including through the Lifelong Learning Programme and its sub-programme for school education, Comenius, which has already funded several projects on this theme.
Does the EU intend to remind Mr Erdogan of the case of Cyprus and the numerous UN Security Council resolutions on the subject, which have never been implemented by Turkey, and to ask him to immediately withdraw the Turkish army from the island and work towards a permanent solution to the Cyprus problem, with both himself and his country showing full respect for the UN?
The Commission reiterates at various instances the need for Turkey to contribute to an overall solution of the Cyprus issue. The Commission refers the Honourable Member to the Progress Report on Turkey, which underlines that, as emphasised in the negotiating framework and in Council declarations, Turkey is expected to actively support the negotiations aimed at a fair, comprehensive and viable settlement of the Cyprus issue within the United Nations UN framework, in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and in line with the principles on which the EU is founded.
In caso di risposta affermativa, quali? Intende sollecitare concretamente la Turchia a ritirare il proprio esercito dal territorio cipriota e procedere alla riunificazione di Cipro?
In caso di risposta affermativa, come? Since then, the Republic of Cyprus has been divided. The United Nations also explicitly called on Turkey to retract its declaration of sovereignty over Northern Cyprus and on all sovereign states not to recognise the sovereignty of that republic. How urgently does the Commission intend to call on Turkey to effectively implement the Ankara Protocol in full and, if Turkey does not comply with its obligations, does it intend to impose sanctions?
If so, what sanctions? Does it intend specifically to urge Turkey to withdraw its army from Cypriot territory and to reunify Cyprus? If so, how? The issue raised by the Honourable Member is part of the process aiming at a comprehensive settlement in Cyprus between the leaders of the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities under the auspices of the United Nations.
In its October Communication on the Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 10 , the Commission underlined the necessity to re-launch the negotiations with the aim of reaching a swift conclusion of the talks, building on the progress achieved to date and encouraged Turkey to increase in concrete terms its commitment and contribution to the talks.
The Commission has been thwarted by the failure of political parties to agree on several issues, including the right to freedom of conscience and religion. Turkey, as a country negotiating its accession to the EU, needs to guarantee in practice equal rights and freedoms for all its citizens irrespective of their language, race, colour, gender, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion and sect, or any similar considerations.
As regards the respect of freedom of thought, conscience and religion, the Commission has extensively reported in its Progress Report on Turkey 12 and concluded that, although the dialogue with the non-Muslim religious communities continued, there were cases of persons professing faith in minority religions or indeed no faith who continued to be discriminated against. A legal framework in line with the ECHR has yet to be established to ensure that all non-Muslim communities and the Alevi community can function without undue constraints.
The Commission has shared this conclusion with the Turkish authorities. Uit Nederlandse mediaberichten, waaronder een reportage van Omroep Brabant op 27 december 13 , blijkt dat op grote schaal drugs worden doorgevoerd vanuit de haven in Antwerpen naar Nederland. Heeft de Commissie kennis genomen van berichten dat vanuit de Antwerpse haven op grote schaal drugs worden doorgevoerd naar Nederland?
Is de Commissie op de hoogte van vermeende corruptie, zoals onder medewerkers, in de Antwerpse haven? Heeft de Commissie een overzicht van cijfers over de drugshandel via Europese havens? Kan de Commissie aangeven in hoeverre de Belgische en Nederlandse justitie samenwerken op het terrein van drugsbestrijding in havens?
Ziet de Commissie mogelijkheden om projecten te financieren die drugshandel in zeehavens tegengaan? De Commissie verricht geen operationele wetshandhavingsactiviteiten en verzamelt evenmin operationele inlichtingen over criminele activiteiten. Douanecontroles vinden plaats op basis van een risicoanalyse of steekproeven zoals bepaald in artikel 13 van Verordening EEG nr.
Ter ondersteuning van deze activiteiten en om gelijkwaardige op risicoanalyses gebaseerde controles te garanderen, wisselen de douaneautoriteiten actief risicogerelateerde informatie uit via het elektronisch risicobeheersysteem voor douane.
Douanedeskundigen en bestuurders van EU-havens komen regelmatig samen om de beste werkmethoden te ontwikkelen en toe te passen. According to Dutch media reports, including a report by Omroep Brabant on 27 December 14 , the Port of Antwerp is being used as a transit location for large-scale drug trafficking to the Netherlands.
Has the Commission taken note of reports that the Port of Antwerp is being used as a transit location for large-scale drug trafficking to the Netherlands? Is it aware of alleged corruption in the Port of Antwerp, including among its employees? Can it indicate the extent of cooperation between the Belgian and Dutch judiciary in the fight against drugs in ports?
Does it feel that it is possible to finance projects aimed at fighting drug trafficking in sea ports? How does the Commission see its own role in this context, including in the light of the Stockholm Programme, with regard to judicial cooperation? The Commission does not undertake operational law enforcement activities nor does it collect operational intelligence on criminal activities.
The Commission supports Member States' law enforcement activities at cross-border level, as well as judicial cooperation activities, by proposing the legislative framework for such cooperation and by supporting the relevant EU agencies such as Europol, Eurojust or the European Agency for the Management of Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union Frontex.
The Commission also finances institution building activities aimed at combating drug trafficking, for instance in West Africa, which represents an important drug trafficking hub along the so-called cocaine route. As regards judicial cooperation, the Commission has put forward legislatives proposals to set up and continuously improve the legal framework for effective judicial cooperation between Member States. This not only includes mutual recognition instruments covering the entire judicial procedure — from taking of evidence to the execution of a final sentence, but also the setting up of common minimum standards on procedural rights to strengthen mutual trust between Member States' judicial authorities.
In support of these activities and pursuing the aim of ensuring equivalent risk based controls customs authorities actively exchange and share risk related information through the electronic customs risk management system. Customs experts and managers of EU ports meet regularly to develop and apply best working practices. Between November and December , there were 2 reported cases of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Ireland.
Data was available for 1 of these. Out of these 1 cases, there were only survivors. What is the Commission doing to reduce the number of people who suffer cardiac arrest? What is the Commission doing to reduce the fatality rate among those who do suffer a cardiac arrest?
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